Friday, June 26, 2015

Podcast Update!

I'll keep this short and sweet! I've never had such a nice time with two people I just recently met. We all chatted so casually it was like we've been friends for years. Thank you so much to Ash (the one and only) of A Chick With A Joystick and Brian from The Captain's Pod for having me over to record. Sounds like we got enough content for more than one episode, so I'll be posting the new one here tomorrow as well as the others when they are done being edited. Be sure to give Ash a like on her Facebook page and listen to her previous episodes!

A Chick With A Joystick

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Captain's Blog Meets the Captain's Pod

A month or so ago my boyfriend, room mate, and I all went out for dinner. We had an insatiable hunger for red meat, "gator eggs," and sangria. On our delicious food journey, we also came across someone I am now happy to call a friend. While I haven't known her long, I can tell you that she is a kind and charismatic person, and we hit it off right away. In the short time I've known her, I can tell you she loves video games and she's kind of a tomboy.
She works hard, loves her family, and has an emphatic personality. (Good friend material right there!) She's an avid gamer who even started her own podcast. Well who is she already?! Her name is Ash, and this Friday I have been invited to be her guest on her podcast, A Chick with a Joystick. We're gonna talk Destiny and E3 amongst many other things and basically just have fun geeking out to shit together. I really look forward to being on her podcast and cultivating our new friendship. If you're interested in nerd talk, check out her facebook page and give her a listen and a like. She's got all of the previous episodes posted there on her wall. The new episode will be recorded this Friday and should be available Saturday, June 27th. Feel free to leave questions or comments here or on her Facebook page to join in on our conversations, I've included a link below.

A Chick With A Joystick

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Destiny Cosplay Recap

Well the con has come and gone and I am just finally getting around to posting pictures and what not. Sorry about the delay, I'm just really good at procrastinating and playing video games. Below are my WIP photos for the build, before and afters, and also the con photos.

Again, the build was relatively easy since I didn't cast any of my own materials. I used fast drying modeling clay for the wings around the wolf head and mounted it all on the motocross chest plate with epoxy putty. Whatever you're doing, make sure you rough up your materials with sand paper and then paint or glue together what you want. A Dremel is lost a necessity to someone who is serious about make their own costumes, armor, and/or props so I highly recommend getting one if you don't have it already. If anyone is serious about this kind of build that may need help or advice feel free to contact me here and I will assist you with what I can.

Projects for the future include getting a 3D printer and learning how to use it. We will take commissions once it's up and running! Other costumes I would eventually like to build are N7 armor, stormtrooper armor, Boushh (Leia as the bounty hunter in Return of the Jedi), and an appropriate wastelander outfit for a Fallout costume since I'm getting that fabulous looking pipboy with my Fallout 4 preorder ;)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Destiny Teaser!

Still working on photos from the con but here's a few. Follow me on instagram @ poisonousquinn for more in depth photos of the costumes and build.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Destiny Female Hunter WIP #5

Hunter helmet and Red Death are complete. Below, you'll find pictures of what I started off with originally, versus what I have today. It's been a journey people! And the funniest thing about it is that 3 years from now I'll probably look back at this and think it's complete shit hahaha. That's the way she goes, Bubs... That's the way she goes.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Destiny Female Hunter WIP #4

Shits gettin' real.

The con is in 22 days.

I have a lot to wrap up.

This is by far one of the most time consuming builds I've taken on. I still have no regrets, but I'm really getting my hopes up now for this to turn out lookin' like I've got that Destiny space swagger.

Knee and shin guards are done.
Gloves are done.
Red Death is 90%.
Helmet is 75%.
Crest of Alpha Lupi is 30%.
Cape is 0%.

I plan on having the helmet done tonight and I'll have pictures to follow.

Should be about 75% done with the Crest of Alpha Lupi by Sunday.

I think I need help sewing my cape. This shit is truly perplexing me and I'm afraid to start. I'm going to try a mock up with some old sheets first.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Follow me, but don't judge me lmao. If you don't like it, don't look at it.

Destiny Female Hunter WIP #3

The knee/shin guards are painted. I ended up having to hand paint an acrylic clear coat over them to keep the metallic finish from rubbing off. When I applied a clear coat of spray paint it made the paint loose it's sheen so I had to apply a few other coats to get it back to normal again. I've heard turtle wax works too, but I didn't go that route as I am interested in preserving and protecting the paint job on these babies for as long as I can.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Every Day of My Life is Monday

I work a job with a rotating schedule, so I don't often get to enjoy the odd sense of clarity that having a weekend off seems to provide everyone else. Well I finally got my weekend off, had a bunch of fun with friends, worked on some projects, and got to spend a lot of time playing with my dog. It was nice. It was relaxing. I was almost care free. Then I woke up today. The sun was out early and I felt good for once. "Work won't be that bad," was my inner monolog. Then I got to work. Lmao. While nothing catastrophic happened, I was still hit with the sickening realization, for what would seem to be the thousandth time, that I detest most of my coworkers, and can't stand most customer interactions due to high levels of stupidity. Every day is the same here, and nothing really matters within these four walls. I've become Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day. Da fuck am I still doing here? The urge to find a new job has been persistent, but I have to stay here so that I can transfer to another store in Colorado. I can see the light at the end of this tunnel but it just seems too good to be true. Regardless, I'll begin looking for a transfer in October and then I'll immediately start looking for a new job. But what kind of job? I've been here too long. My job became my identity. Everyone at work is shuffling along with their "case of the Mondays." Meanwhile, in my brain, every day is a Monday.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Live Long and Prosper

"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human." -Kirk, Star Trek 2, The Wrath of Khan.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Destiny Female Hunter WIP #2

So I got my motocross gear in the mail and I've begun scuffing it up with 220 grit foam sanding blocks. I chose a finer grit because while I wanted to give the spray paint a rougher surface to cling to, I didn't want to gouge any large ridges into the plastic either. I also used painters tape to section off areas that I didn't want to paint at all, and areas that will later be gold. I am using Krylon Metallic Paint in Chrome and Gold Leaf.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Float like a leaf on the river of life"

I'm perpetually torn between wanting to make a difference and knowing I can't.

As I get older, I must shed my idealistic tendencies and understand that I must simply 'be.' Not because I've been told to, but because I plague my mind with things I cannot change.

I get stuck in the mire of how shrewd the world is instead of understanding it's just a beautiful beast. Something that you can work with, or against. Something that has all the potential to eat you up and spit you out, but you love it anyway. How parasitic and abusive, yet so beautiful.

I must learn to walk the fine line of accepting how things are, but still keep an innovative thought process alive and kicking. I must focus on things I can change, and walk away from what I can't. There have been too many sleepless nights, and so many years of thought. Too many worries furrowing my brow.

I am one person and I can't fix it all even though I want to. And even though I know this is the right path, I still feel guilty for taking it.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Wheel of Pain

I've been driving to work the past couple of days blasting the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian. When I pulled up in the Blowes parking lot today the song, "Wheel of Pain" starts. How fucking accurate lmao. If only I could get as buff as Conan by talking to dumb ass customers all day.

Click here for the movie clip

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Destiny Female Hunter WIP

So Winter is almost over and I can't think of a better way to shake myself out of fat bear hibernation mode than to begin working on another costume for C2E2 this year. Originally our gaming group (Clan Urdnot) decided that Destiny costumes might possibly be beyond our scope of abilities at this point in time, but after some careful planning and some ingenious repurposing of premade items, I feel like making a Hunter costume is definitely doable with the right amount of finesse. If it wasn't for JP throwing down the gauntlet about making his Titan armor dreams into a reality, I'd be working on a Fallout costume instead. I have no regrets!

As a Hunter, I shouldn't have much of a problem getting my shit together because there isn't as much armor that goes into my costume as there is for that of a Titan for instance. (That's where JP is gonna have lots of fun time with foam board and super glue!)

None of Clan Urdnot has any Worbla experience, so we plan on modifying items to suit most of our needs. I will, however, have to design and sew together a cloak which I intend to line with faux fur, because why the fuck not? Why are Titans the only ones who get to have nice things?! I also plan on picking out my own color pallet because the armor shaders in Destiny suck! Anyone out there who plays knows this to be true.

So this is what I've got on order so far. I'm going to use high gloss automotive spray paint on the helmet and the rest of the armor. I've also got to pick out a cheap Nerf gun to customize into one of my Destiny weapons of choice. Long story short, there's still a lot to do, but I'm watching it all come together at this point and I'm getting pretty excited. C2E2 is just going to be one big Tower party for us this year, especially since we're going to meet up with one of our members from another state at the convention as well! I'm going to keep posting progress pics, and in the mean time, if anyone has any customization ideas, any tips on future Worbla use, or ideas on how to chrome out my lens in that helmet, please let me know!